London Chinese Community Centre

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Chinese Community Centre Website

The London Chinese Community Centre was founded in 1980 and was the first Chinese Community Centre in the UK. It was pioneered by Dr Abraham Lue. Dr. Lue was a volunteer teacher at the Chinese Language School in Euston. He realised there was a growing demand and need for support services for the Chinese Community when parents used to come to him for advice and ask for his assistance in translating letters from schools, councils and doctors.

With Dr. Lue‚Äôs vision and determination the Chinese Community Centre opened in the heart of London‚ Chinatown and has been serving Britain‚ Chinese community for the last 40 years.

Within its first year the Centre received almost 1000 requests for support with people coming from as far as Scotland. To date it has helped over 50,000 people by providing advice and assistance and is seen as a valuable service and resource for many of the Chinese Community in London and beyond.

The Chinese Community Centre has always strived to preserve and promote Chinese culture, arts and identity, whilst helping the community to better integrate into the mainstream UK community. As a result the Centre is one of the busiest in Europe, even attracting several Royal visits, most recently in 2008 when HRH Prince of Wales and the Duchess of Cornwall witnessed the good work and support we provide to the community on a daily basis.

Our team of well-trained staff and dedicated volunteers provide the utmost support and attention to all enquiries and activities provided by the Centre; including welfare and benefits support and advice, language classes, arts and culture, elderly support, youth activities and numerous fundraising events. The Centre continually tries to meet the changing and growing demand for services and activities within this evolving community.

Having resided in our humble location on the 2nd floor of 28-29 Gerrard for 14 years, we relocated to 2 Leicester Court in 2012. With this new and much bigger premises, we are excited to expand our range of facilities, services and activities and to open our doors to help and support many more people.

We truly believe our Centre has a vital part to play in improving the lives and welfare of the Chinese community in London and the South East.